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µÜ²¼Ë§ÌÀ¡¡¡¡Homei Miyashita, Ph.D.
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Profile of Homei Miyashita
Homei Miyashita is a Professor and Chair at the Department of Frontier Media Science, School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Meiji University.
Born in Firenze, Italy, he received a Ph.D(Knowledge Science) from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) in 2006.
He specializes in Human-Computer Interaction, and his research interests range from 3D printers to drones. In recent years, he has also developed and presented taste media that can record and reproduce taste, which has become a hot topic around the world.
Google Scholar
Search for news articles featuring me
ACM Digital Library
2022.9.28 I will be a keynote speaker at the international conference cyberworlds 2022.
2022.6.13¡¡Our paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
2022.4.29 We presented a full paper at the international conference CHI2022.
2021.12.24¡¡I was featured in the South China Morning Post. This video has been viewed over 340,000 times.
2021.12.23¡¡I was interviewed by Reuters.
The video has been viewed over 1,700,000 times!!
2021.12.11¡¡I was an invited speaker at the international conference IEDM2021
2021.10.11¡¡I presented a demonstration at the international conference UIST2021.
2021.3.26 I was an invited speaker at the international conference ICMMA2020
2021.3.9¡¡I was interviewed by National Geographic magazine.
2020.10.20¡¡I presented a full paper at the international conference UIST2020.
2020.4.¡¡I presented a poster at the international conference CHI2020. The video of this study has been viewed more than 90,000 times.
Born in Firenze, Italy, he received a Ph.D(Knowledge Science) from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) in 2006.
He specializes in Human-Computer Interaction, and his research interests range from 3D printers to drones. In recent years, he has also developed and presented taste media that can record and reproduce taste, which has become a hot topic around the world.
Google Scholar
Search for news articles featuring me
ACM Digital Library
2022.9.28 I will be a keynote speaker at the international conference cyberworlds 2022.
2022.6.13¡¡Our paper has been accepted for publication in the journal Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
Kaji Y, Sato A and Miyashita H (2022) Design of Electrical Stimulation Waveform for Enhancing Saltiness and Experiment on Low-Sodium Dieters. Front. Virtual Real. 3:879784. doi: 10.3389/frvir.2022.879784
2022.4.29 We presented a full paper at the international conference CHI2022.
Shota Yamanaka, Hiroki Usuba, and Homei Miyashita. 2022. Bivariate Effective Width Method to Improve the Normalization Capability for Subjective Speed-accuracy Biases in Rectangular-target Pointing. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 211, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3517466
2021.12.24¡¡I was featured in the South China Morning Post. This video has been viewed over 340,000 times.
2021.12.23¡¡I was interviewed by Reuters.
The video has been viewed over 1,700,000 times!!
2021.12.11¡¡I was an invited speaker at the international conference IEDM2021
2021.10.11¡¡I presented a demonstration at the international conference UIST2021.
Homei Miyashita. 2021. TTTV (Taste the TV): Taste Presentation Display for ¡ÈLicking the Screen¡É using a Rolling Transparent Sheet and a Mixture of Liquid Sprays. In The Adjunct Publication of the 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 37–40. https://doi.org/10.1145/3474349.3480223
2021.3.26 I was an invited speaker at the international conference ICMMA2020
2021.3.9¡¡I was interviewed by National Geographic magazine.
2020.10.20¡¡I presented a full paper at the international conference UIST2020.
Homei Miyashita. 2020. Taste Display that Reproduces Tastes Measured by a Taste Sensor. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1085–1093. https://doi.org/10.1145/3379337.3415852
2020.4.¡¡I presented a poster at the international conference CHI2020. The video of this study has been viewed more than 90,000 times.
Homei Miyashita. 2020. Norimaki Synthesizer: Taste Display Using Ion Electrophoresis in Five Gels. In Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1145/3334480.3382984
homei_miyashita at 20:43¡ÃPermalink
¨¢Profile (English)
Profilo di Homei Miyashita

Homei Miyashita e' nato a Firenze, Italia nel 1976. Si e' laureato in Ingegneria (corso di scienza visuale) all'Universita' di Chiba, Giappone nel 2001. Ha ottenuto il titolo di MPd (Master course), specializzazione di composizione musicale, presso la Facolta' di Magistero dell'Universita' di Toyama, nel 2003. Attualmente sta ricercando il campo teorico della Scienza di Conoscenza presso l'Istituto avanzato della scienza e della tecnologia(JAIST). I suoi interessi attuali sono: media art and human computer interaction. Insegna l'espressione degitale come lettore incaricato presso l'Universita' di Kanazawa Gakuin. E' amministratore della Ditta Sonic Head Inc.
E' stato l'allievo della maestra di pianoforte Yasuko Shoji, e del compositore Kiyoshi Matsumoto. Ha progettato il piano acustico originale per la ·, ¸ e ¹ Manifestazione sportive del NUOVO GIAPPONE KICKBOXING effettuato a Korakuen Stadio(Tokyo) nel 1999. Ha composto le varie musiche per i programmi televisivi ; NHK(canale provinciale di Ishikawa) , NHK (rete nazionale)e MRO(canale rocale di Hokuriku). Ha diretto una serie di animazioni educative in TV la "Kumanba!" trasmessa per NHK(canale provinciale di Ishikawa) dall'anno 2001 a 2002. Ha diretto la "Digital Opera Project" effettuata alla citta' di Toyama, Kanazawa e Bangkok(Thailandia)nel 2004. La "Digital Opera" sarebbe una nuova opera lirica creata da solo l'arte delle immagini e la musica-computerizzata. Nel giorno 29 settembre 2004 ha effettuato il primo concerto personale col titolo di "essenza di musica" al Teatro musicale di provincia Ishikawa (citta' di Kanazawa).
Ha ottenuto il premio di Dott. Jokichi Takamine (1991) ;premio di incoraggiamento per lo studio di scienza. Ha vinto il premio dell'oro del "Think Quest Japan 2002" ;premio per il "web site design". Ed ha ottenuto il premio di prestazioni eccezionale nel concorso di "m-flo Remix Contest". (collaborato con Chiharu Murata e Hiro Shiomi).
Impianti selezionati come artista di mezzi:
homei_miyashita at 06:51¡ÃPermalink